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Values: Exmouth Gulf is one of Australia's most productive marine ecosystems. Because it is located in the tropical arid zone it functions most of the time as a 'reverse estuary' where seawater salinity increases slightly upstream away from the ocean gulf due to evaporation.
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Yannarie Creek Foods: Aerial footage and images taken after heavy rain, shows the natural flow that would be impeded by the proposed project.
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Videos: Multimedia from Wags and Kelly.
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The Residents: The creatures whose habitat is in danger.
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The Landscape: The wetlands, the mangroves...
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Word Heritage: The area is part of a proposal to nominate the North West Cape — Ningaloo Reef area for inscription on the World Heritage List.
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Fisheries: Exmouth Gulf supports a long-standing sustainable prawn trawl fishery which provides Exmouth king prawns to the Perth market. The Exmouth region also is home to a pearl oyster fishery and grow-out industry and an established recreational sports-fishery.
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Impact: Straits Salts' proposal involves the extraction of huge quantities of seawater via two or more massive intake pump stations. These pumps would also remove vast numbers of weakly swimming prawn and fish larvae and post larvae fish from the Gulf ecosysterr and the fisheries.
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The Project: Straits Resources original proposal to construct 411 square kilometres of evaporative 'solar' salt ponds across the discharge of the Yannarie system. A complex system of rock retaining walls would extend 70 km and essentially occupy the entire eastern coast of Exmouth Gulf.
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Comments: Additional comments from some of the submissions.
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© Photographs courtesy Tony Howard


Halt the Salt Campaign - Web Manager: Dave Graham, Web hosting: ozup.com Images copyright Wags and Kelly
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